Jan 31, 2024 - In Loving Memory of Maxine Tyree
To me she was Mom. And she shared that role with over 150 foster children and countless other friends, relatives, community, neighbors, and pretty much people everywhere.
It is hard to grasp the positive impact that she has made in her lifetime. It reminds me of the story she told countless times of the young child throwing starfish into the ocean at the beach.
A passerby asked the child why and stressed that there was no way to help so many stranded starfish. But the child said, "I can help this one!" In her lifetime, Maxine cleared her beach by helping everyone.
Her enthusiasm and positivity live on in her children and grandchildren as they have started non-profits, started businesses, worked in ministry, and made a difference in people's lives.
This new venture, u0, is just one small outgrowth of the momentum she empowered. Thanks Mom. I love you!
Love one another as I have loved you. - John 13:34